these were done a few years ago for Rich Tuzon (see blog) at Disney. they were a real challenge because it was "tangents R us". I did some of the concept drawings here and they were airbrushed by Steve Andrews, or Brad Andrews or a freelancer.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
What the finished product will look like. I have a lot of freelance coming in, so bear with me...
Friday, October 06, 2006
Little Brushworks
Was out of town for a few days. These are minatures that will fit in small picture frames for a gallery. They do need to be "retooled" a little, with a fresh paint of gloss, as they are acrylic. I banged these out in three hours in one afternoon while my blessed mother-in-law played with her grandkids...These little paintings are acrylic on cold press illustration board.