More ACEO cards: These next pieces are acrylic on a finer weave of canvas paper and will let me achieve better detail than the larger weave I have been using. I usually work on several pieces at the same time. It does tend to cut down time and I get a flow. Unfortunately and fortunately, I am signed up for several freelance jobs this upcoming month with several clients. I will continue to work on these when I can.
The two sketches are based on the book: "The Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle. I thought since I have been drawing unicorns lately, it was a natural progression to remember the only really good unicorn story I read when I was a kid. I loved the animated cartoon by Rankin and Bass which was drawn by Japanese artists and back then the "Animae" look was exotic. The sketch of the girl, of course, is the semi-tragic Lady Amalthea, who was once a unicorn, and as a human, feels pangs of love and complex emotions of a human girl, then becomes a unicorn again, changed forever.